Google PageRank Algorithm in 126 Lines of Python
Reading How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web's Haystack I was surprised by the simplicity of the math underlying the google PageRank algorithm, and the ease with which it seemed to be efficiently implementable. Being able to do a google-style ranking seems useful for a wide range of cases, and since I had wanted to take a look at python for numerics for some time, I decided to give it a shot (note that there already exists a python implementation using the numarray module).
Note that PageRank™ is a trademark of Google and that the described algorithm is covered by numerous patents. I hope the powers that be will nevertheless ignore/forgive my insolence -- I was just curious and mean no harm ;-). Note also, as multiple commenters have pointed out, that this algorithm is an implementation of the ``historical'' PageRank algorithm as published by Page and Brin, which does not really seem to be actively used at Google anymore.
The Math
A recent article on the AMS featurecolumn neatly described the google PageRank algorithm, showing in a few relatively easy steps that for a set of N linked pages it boils down to finding the N-dimensional (column) vector I of ``page relevance coefficients'' which one can formulate to be (see the above article) the principal eigenvector (i.e. the one corresponding to the largest eigenvalue) of the google matrix G defined as
G = α(H + A) + (1 - α) 1N . (1)
Here, α is some parameter between 0 and 1 (typically taken to be 0.85). For the entry specified by row i and column j we define Hij = 1 / lj if page j links to page i (and lj is the total number of links on page j), and 0 otherwise, such that the ``relevance'' of page i is
Ii = Σj Hij Ij , (2)
corresponding to the number of links pointing to each page, weighted by the relevance of the source page divided by the number of links emanating from the source page. Similarly, we define Aij = 1 / N if j is a page with no outgoing links, and 0 otherwise. So each page has a total of 1 outgoing ``link weights'', i.e. the sum over the elements of each column of H + A is one (it is a stochastic matrix). Finally, 1N is defined to be an N x N matrix with all elements equal to 1 / N (it is not the identity matrix), and is therefore also stochastic. Similarly, G is stochastic. This latter statement is important, because for stochastic matrices the largest eigenvalue is 1, and the corresponding eigenvector can accordingly be found using the power method, which will turn out to be very efficient in this case.
Summarizing, G (a finite markov chain) may be interpreted to model the behaviour of a user who stays at each page for the same amount of time, then either (with probability α) randomly clicks a link on this page (or goes to a random page if no outgoing links exist), or picks a random page off of the www (with probability 1 - α).
Finally, the power method relies on the fact that for eigenvalue problems where the largest eigenvalue is non-degenerate and equal to 1 (which is the case), one can find a good approximate for the principal eigenvector via an iterative procedure starting from some (arbitrary) guess I0:
I = Ik = GkI0 , k→∞ . (3)
The Algorithm
First off, it may be noted that the current number of publically accessible pages on the www (i.e. N) is estimated to be somewhere in the billions (2006) and rapidly growing. So for (3) to be usable, it must be highly efficient. Obviously, the repeated matrix multiplication in (3) is ripe with potential optimizations, but we'll just focus on the optimizations pointed out in the article inspiring this essay, namely that
- H is extremely sparse (on the order of 10 links per page), i.e. the product HI can be obtained with linear effort in both the number of operations and the storage requirements. Note however, that in order to perform this operation efficiently, we first need to transpose H, i.e. formulate the link matrix in terms of incoming links, rather than outgoing links.
- All row vectors are identical in either A or 1N, so it is sufficient to compute just one row-vector product (i.e. AiI and 1N,iI).
- A is also sparse (there are few pages with no links), and the non-zero columns all have a value of 1 / N (for those pages with no outgoing links), so the elements of AiI are not only all equal but are the sum over the entries of I corresponding to those pages with no links, divided by N.
- Finally, the elements of 1N,iI are all equal and are equal to the sum over all elements of I divided by N. Update: I is normalized, the elements of 1N,iI are therefore all equal to 1/N.
Similarly, convergence can be checked with an effort of (at most) O(N) and the algorithm is known to converge rather quickly with a choice of α close to 1. The average deviation <δ> of the elements of I should be a reasonable way to check convergence every m iterations:
<δ>2 = (Ik)tIk+m/N2 . (4)
The Code
All of the following is done in python, with the numpy library, so don't forget to
from numpy import *
First, we need to transform the matrix of outgoing links into one of incoming links, while preserving the number of outgoing links per page and identifying leaf nodes:
def transposeLinkMatrix(
outGoingLinks = [[]]
Transpose the link matrix. The link matrix contains the pages each page points to.
However, what we want is to know which pages point to a given page. However, we
will still want to know how many links each page contains (so store that in a separate array),
as well as which pages contain no links at all (leaf nodes).
@param outGoingLinks outGoingLinks[ii] contains the indices of pages pointed to by page ii
@return a tuple of (incomingLinks, numOutGoingLinks, leafNodes)
nPages = len(outGoingLinks)
# incomingLinks[ii] will contain the indices jj of the pages linking to page ii
incomingLinks = [[] for ii in range(nPages)]
# the number of links in each page
numLinks = zeros(nPages, int32)
# the indices of the leaf nodes
leafNodes = []
for ii in range(nPages):
if len(outGoingLinks[ii]) == 0:
numLinks[ii] = len(outGoingLinks[ii])
# transpose the link matrix
for jj in outGoingLinks[ii]:
incomingLinks = [array(ii) for ii in incomingLinks]
numLinks = array(numLinks)
leafNodes = array(leafNodes)
return incomingLinks, numLinks, leafNodes
Next, we need to perform the iterative refinement. Wrapping it up in a generator to hide the state of the iteration behind a function-like interface. Single-precision should be good enough.
def pageRankGenerator(
At = [array((), int32)],
numLinks = array((), int32),
ln = array((), int32),
alpha = 0.85,
convergence = 0.01,
checkSteps = 10
Compute an approximate page rank vector of N pages to within some convergence factor.
@param At a sparse square matrix with N rows. At[ii] contains the indices of pages jj linking to ii.
@param numLinks iNumLinks[ii] is the number of links going out from ii.
@param ln contains the indices of pages without links
@param alpha a value between 0 and 1. Determines the relative importance of "stochastic" links.
@param convergence a relative convergence criterion. smaller means better, but more expensive.
@param checkSteps check for convergence after so many steps
# the number of "pages"
N = len(At)
# the number of "pages without links"
M = ln.shape[0]
# initialize: single-precision should be good enough
iNew = ones((N,), float32) / N
iOld = ones((N,), float32) / N
done = False
while not done:
# normalize every now and then for numerical stability
iNew /= sum(iNew)
for step in range(checkSteps):
# swap arrays
iOld, iNew = iNew, iOld
# an element in the 1 x I vector.
# all elements are identical.
oneIv = (1 - alpha) * sum(iOld) / N
# an element of the A x I vector.
# all elements are identical.
oneAv = 0.0
if M > 0:
oneAv = alpha * sum(iOld.take(ln, axis = 0)) / N
# the elements of the H x I multiplication
ii = 0
while ii < N:
page = At[ii]
h = 0
if page.shape[0]:
h = alpha * dot(
iOld.take(page, axis = 0),
1. / numLinks.take(page, axis = 0)
iNew[ii] = h + oneAv + oneIv
ii += 1
diff = iNew - iOld
done = (sqrt(dot(diff, diff)) / N < convergence)
yield iNew
Finally, we might want to wrap up the above behind a convenience interface like so:
def pageRank(
linkMatrix = [[]],
alpha = 0.85,
convergence = 0.01,
checkSteps = 10
Convenience wrap for the link matrix transpose and the generator.
incomingLinks, numLinks, leafNodes = transposeLinkMatrix(linkMatrix)
for gr in pageRankGenerator(incomingLinks, numLinks, leafNodes,
alpha = alpha,
convergence = convergence,
checkSteps = checkSteps):
final = gr
return final
The Validation
Note that the validation below is by no means exhaustive, and performed only on very specific and simple topologies, for which a prediction of the result is possible. I have not tested it for more complicated link systems, such as a largish website. Reports on such efforts would be very welcome, though I am admittedly not qualified to comment on whether this is even legally possible. Among other possible conditions, the algorithm will fail if a network contains links pointing outside of the network.
A Web Consisting of Two Pages with One Link
Given a link graph consisting of two pages, with page one linking to page two, one would expect an eigenvector of {1/3, 2/3}, if α is 1, and an eigenvector of {0.5, 0.5}, if α is zero. This is because page 2 is a leaf node (i.e it implicitly links to all pages), while page 1 links to page 2. Page 1 therefore has one link pointing to it, page 2 has two. The overall system contains three ``links''. We can test this using this simple script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pageRank import pageRank
# a graph with one link from page one to page two
links = [
print pageRank(links, alpha = 1.0)
which affords
[ 0.33349609 0.66650391]
Fair enough. Changing α to 0.0, we find:
[ 0.5 0.5]
Which is fine.
A Web Consisting of Just One Circle
Similarly, for a web consisting of just one circle (i.e. page n links to page n+1), we should find equal page rankings for all pages (independent of α). We do this by performing the following change in the above script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pageRank import *
# a graph with one link from N to page N + 1
links = [
print pageRank(links, alpha = 1.0)
and find for α equal to 1.0:
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
and for α equal to 0.0:
[ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2]
A Web Consisting of Two Circles
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pageRank import *
# a graph with one link from N to page N + 1
links = [
[1, 2],
print pageRank(links)
we find
[ 0.2116109 0.12411822 0.2296187 0.22099231 0.21365988]
We find that the relevance of the second page has decreased, because the first page also links to the third page. The third page has highest relevance, and the relevance decreases as one goes on to the fourth, fifth, and back to the first page. This makes sense!
A Quick Note on Performance
The above code was not optimized beyond the basic tweaks necessary to make it scale. A quick performance check might still be in order, so let's just make a large ring:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pageRank import *
# a graph with one link from page one to page two
links = [[ii + 1] for ii in range(100000)]
print "starting"
print pageRank(links)
print "stopping"
and running that on my 1.83 GHz MacBook, gives
time ./
[ 1.00007992e-05 1.00007992e-05 1.00007992e-05 ..., 1.00007992e-05
1.00007992e-05 1.00007992e-05]
real 0m30.586s
user 0m30.139s
sys 0m0.338s
where (based on the printouts) the most time is spent in the iteration circle. The overall performance seems quite nice. Though it will obviously vary as one goes to more complicated link graphs, because for this particular topology, the initial guess of equal ranking is actually the solution -- since we check for convergence at the end of every 10th step, we have benchmarked 10 iterations. Nevertheless, it is known that for more realistic systems, 50-80 iterations are required, so this code should certainly be appropriate to perform rankings of datasets with tens of thousands of links on very basic hardware.
Update: I was informed that (using Wikipedia link data) the above code starts returning zeroes for the PageRank values with a link graph size of about 10'000. Using double-precision floating point values (i.e. float64 instead of float32) pushed the upper bound of accessible graphs sizes to about 1 million, at which point the workstation's hardware was maxed out.
Update 2: Aran Donahue writes in to point out that
oneAv = alpha * sum(iOld.take(ln, axis = 0)) * M / N
should read
oneAv = alpha * sum(iOld.take(ln, axis = 0)) / N
Many thanks.